What to Expect at Your First Appointment |
When you first arrive, you'll fill out your new patient paperwork. This helps your dental team get to know you better. A complete assessment of medical history including current and previous medications will be included in the paperwork you are asked to complete. Medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, epilepsy and heart disorders all affect your dental health and make you more prone to infection. Many medications can have negative effect on saliva, decreasing saliva's natural action in protecting the teeth and lubricating the mouth.
We ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork. Or, you can get a head start by filling out your patient forms now on our website at browndentalassociates.com-go to Patient Information-then New Patient Forms.
If you have arrived at our office in pain, our first priority is to relieve the pain. After that, the first step will be an examination appointment.
At the examination appointment, you will probably need dental x-rays, unless you have had x-rays recently at another office and they can be easily accessed for this appointment. Our dental team will need the x-rays to see the internal parts of the teeth and to assess the roots of your teeth. Your examination will include, an oral cancer screening, periodontal evaluation, assessment of the jaw joints and biting pattern and an evaluation for decay.
At this appointment, both the dentist and patient are there to get information. You should be prepared to discuss with your dentist what previous treatment you have had. Be ready to talk about any current dental problems or concerns you may be having.
After the examination, you will be presented with treatment plan options. You will be given the opportunity to discuss the treatment plan options with a patient coordinator in the front office. This team member will help you with any questions regarding the treatment plan, including dental insurance, scheduling and financial arrangements.
Often, your first visit will include cleaning your teeth, though if it's been a while since your last cleaning, you may need to be scheduled for a longer visit at a later time or scheduled for a comprehensive periodontal assessment.